Mass Market Paperback, 256 stron

Język Spanish

Opublikowane 16 lipca 2006 przez Debolsillo.

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(3 opinie)

El escalofriante caso de una joven de apariencia insignificante que se transformó en un ser de poderes anormales, sembrando el terror en la ciudad. Con pulso mágico para mantener la tensión a lo largo de todo el libro, Stephen King narra la atormentada adolescencia de Carrie, y nos envuelve en una atmósfera sobrecogedora cuando la muchacha realiza una serie de descubrimientos hasta llegar al terrible momento de la venganza. Esta novela fue llevada al cine con un inmenso éxito de público y crítica.

67 edycji

recenzuje Carrie autorstwa Stephen King (Biblioteca Stephen King, 8; Bestseller, 102)

Sorprende para bien

Bueno creo que todos conocemos la historia de Carrie de manera mas o menos completa, si no es por la peli es por las miles y miles de referencias culturales a esa historia. A pesar de eso el libro consigue mantener la tensión y está contado de forma sorprendente e intrigante en muchas partes. Recomendable

Carrie by Stephen King

As a lifelong Stephen King fan, somehow I’ve never read Carrie. It’s one of those things where I’ve picked up all the plot points through cultural osmosis, I’ve seen the movie (the good one), I’ve talked about it with my friends as though I know about it. But I’ve never held the physical copy in my hands until last week.

I liked it. I don’t really have a ton to say about it. It was an extremely short read, and there were a lot of precursors to what would become eventual King hallmarks – overly religous fanatical whackjobs; bullies that were strangely too smart and/or too psychopathic to be believable; and entire towns being destroyed as a way to end the book like a Lovecraftian cleansing bolt of lightning. Happy to finally have read it.

Review of 'Carrie (Los Jet De Plaza & Janes. Biblioteca De Stephen King. 102, 8)' on 'Goodreads'

This is another one of those books that, being a Stephen King fan, I can’t believe I’d never read. Second book written, first one published, if I remember correctly (for what it’s worth, I don’t think Carrie was as good as [b:'Salem's Lot|11590|'Salem's Lot|Stephen King||3048937]).

I saw the movie a really long time ago, in the 80s or maybe the early 90s. I can’t remember very much of it at all, but I’m almost certain it wasn’t as detailed, or as gruesome or heart-wrenching, as the book.

Carrie is the ultimate story of bullying gone wrong. My book, [b:Stingers|49404106|Stingers|Graham Downs||40865726], doesn’t even come close (prove me wrong: read both of them and tell me what you think!). The horrors that girl’s peers put her through... not to mention the isolation her mother put her through. To be a seventeen-year-old girl and not know what a period …


  • Fiction
  • Fiction - Horror
  • Spanish: Adult Fiction
  • Horror - General
  • Fiction / Suspense
  • Suspense