Gospodar prstenova (dio prvi)

Prstenova družina

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J.R.R. Tolkien: Gospodar prstenova (dio prvi) (Hardcover, Croatian language, 2002, Algoritam)

Hardcover, 479 stron

Język Croatian

Opublikowane 13 sierpnia 2002 przez Algoritam.

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(3 opinie)

Trideset je ljeta minulo otkako je hobit Bilbo Baggins s čarobnjakom Gandalfom i družinom patuljaka krenuo u potragu za zmajevim zlatom. Kao uspomena na tu uzbudljivu pustolovinu Bilbu je ostao čarobni prsten koji je putem osvojio u gonetanju s gmizavim stvorenjem Golumom.

No odonda su se orci, trolovi i varzi ponovno namnožili, Gospodar tame Sauron povratio je snagu i u zemlji Mordor okupio sile zla kako bi iznova zavladao Međuzemljem. No prije nego doista krene u rat, morao bi pronaći svoj davno izgubljeni čarobni Prsten Vladar koji će mu podariti moć nad svim ljudima, patuljcima i vilenjacima.

Prekasno će Gandalf shvatiti da je Bilbov prsten upravo taj koji Sauron traži! I tako će Bilbovu sinovcu Frodu pasti u zadatak da u ime svih slobodnih naroda Međuzemlja ponese teret Prstena na put opasniji od sviju ikad poduzetih! (source: back-cover)

89 edycji

Review of "The Fellowship of the Ring" on Good Reads

"The Fellowship of the Ring" by J.R.R. Tolkien is the kind of book rich in details that one can find themselves getting lost in. Imaginative, magical, engrossing, and brilliantly constructed, the individual text is part of a larger novel title "Lord of the Rings" which is a amazing work of the imagination which often overshadows what is sometimes slow pacing and one-dimensional characters.

One is struck by the level of detail Tolkien put into creating his literary world. The details are so well drawn and defined and the background so deep that one often forgets that they are reading a work of fiction and not a long-lost history or legend. This is where Tolkien's background as a linguist and folklorist really shines, utilizing standard folkloric techniques and creates rich languages for his text.

"Fellowship" follows the story of Frodo Baggins, a hobbit who inherited a mysterious golden ring from his …

recenzuje The Fellowship of the Ring autorstwa J.R.R. Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings, #1)

Review of 'The Fellowship of the Ring: Being the First Part of The Lord of the Rings' on 'Goodreads'

Berriz hasi naiz irakurtzen Eraztunen Jauna, ingelesez oraingoan. Nerabe nintzen irakurri nuen azkenaldian, eta bigarrenez irakurtzeak, egia esan, ahaztuta nituen hainbat detaile birgogoratzea ekarri dit.

Fantasiazko generoa gorpuztu duen obra nagusienetakoa, dudarik gabe. Bikaina.

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